Aircraft builder
Displaying 3311 - 3320 of 13554
Type Registered in Registration number Aircraft builder First Flight Crashed Location
MD-11/F Taiwan B-16108 McDonnell-Douglas 1-10-1997 N
MD-11/F Germany D-ALCC McDonnell-Douglas 1-5-1998 N
MD-11/F Taiwan B-16111 McDonnell-Douglas 1-8-1998 N
MD-11/F Netherlands PH-MCW McDonnell-Douglas 15-10-1998 N
Pilatus BN-2A-21 Islander Brasil PT-KSJ Pilatus Britten-Norman N
DC-3 Canada CF-PWI Douglas 0-0-0000 N
DC-3 Kenya 5Y-BGU Douglas 0-0-0000 Y Lubumbashe Democr. Repl of Congo
L-100-30 Algeria 7T-WHO Lockheed 0-0-0000 N
CV 340-35 Canada C-GQBM Convair 8-1-1953 N
Falcon 2000 Bermuda VP-BEF Dassault 1-10-1997 N


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